Boston Acupuncture Oasis
Boston Acupuncture Oasis
667 Boylston Street, 4th floor, Copley Square, Boston, MA
617 549-1654

Mary Kinneavy, L.Ac.
M.Ac. Dipl.Ac., NCCAOM
Welcome to Boston Acupuncture Oasis
Acupuncture, the ancient art of restoring and maintaining health that has been used for thousands of years in Asia, has steadily gained popularity over the 200 years it has been used in the west. In recent decades it has been welcomed into a variety of modern medical settings including major hospitals.
At its core is the concept of balancing the body's energy systems to prevent illness and restore health. Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of conditions including, but not limited to
Allergies Menstrual problems
Arthritis Menopausal symptoms
Asthma Migraines
Back pain Nausea and vomiting
Common cold Neuropathy
Digestive problems Pregnancy-related issues
Headaches Respiratory problems
Hypertension Sciatica
Infertility Stress
Joint pain Thyroid disorders
Limb pain Weight control

In some cases acupuncture can help resolve the condition completely. In others it can help manage symptoms, especially in cases of chronic illness such as diabetes, HIV, and auto-immune disorders. Acupuncture is also extremely effective as a stress management tool.
The practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles into the skin in order to activate the body's energy and blood flow. Treatments are generally painless and very relaxing.